Tuesday, August 3, 2010

status report

Just thought I would give you a little bit of a briefing on muh life this week. Last night, I had success number 2 with one of Momma Weister's recipes. Last week it was chicken over rice, this time it was calico beans. Lots o beef, bacon and beans, and it was oh so good. Another plus to making said bean concoction: lots of left overs. The old song is always in effect as well. You know what I mean. Beans beans, they're good for the heart....
Moving on to non-flatulence related stuff. Went to the beach with Megan again today. Splendid weather drew us there and it was so nice to sit atop a sweet rock in this big cove and watch the waves come in. The waves are always real nice at St. Claire. Refreshing afternoon activity before business lecture at 4 o'clock. Said business lecture has been much more riveting this week on account of the fact we have a new lecturer. British dude who likes to interact with the crowd and make students feel uncomfortable.
Tomorrow, I will be embarking on yet another adventure. Destination: Christchurch. I will be doing some skiing and watching the All Blacks (NZs rugby team) play the Wallabies (Australia's team). Gonna be a pretty dope weekend. Thats my prediction at least. Scwheet.
Over and out.


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