Thursday, August 26, 2010

its mid-semester break already?

Greetings all. My apologies on not updating about ice, but i promise that will come eventually. In short, Megan and I did some schweet ice climbing on the Fox Glacier last weekend! Ice axes, crampons and all. It was a pretty crazy experience. This afternoon, I am hoping on a bus up to Christchurch where tomorrow, I will be flying to Tonga. A bunch of my friends and I are going for our mid-semester break so it should be a pretty cool time. It'll be nice to get to experience an island in the Pacific for the first time. Well, it'll be the first island I have ever been to for that matter. Not counting New Zealand, cause thats a big ass island. Anywho, gotta finish getting some schtuff together and then it is off to the train station to catch the bus. Should be a fantastic break! I'll be sure to update you all when I get back, which is September 4th by the way. Sianara!

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