Sunday, September 19, 2010

wandering with friends

I think it was Tolkien or something that said, "not all who wander are lost." I like that idea, and it is somewhat related to this post, so I figured I would mention it. Anywho, this past weekend I hung around and just kicked it in Dunedin. A couple friends and I figured it would be an appropriate weekend to just relax and maybe save a little bit of money. Economical, eh? Another huge decision to stick around the home base was that Megan and Brittany ran a half marathon on sunday. Huzzah! Apparently they had good runs, but I didn't see them at all because I slept through it. Makes me feel a little lazy that I slept the entire time they ran 13.1 miles. Then again, the sleep was much needed.
Righto. As it turned out, the lovely Sanj came down to visit for the weekend! Sanj is my and Brittany's friend from St. Mike's and she is studying at Canterbury this semester, which is located up in Christchurch. She needed to get a break, no pun intended, from all the aftermath of the earthquake that struck Christchurch almost 2 weeks ago. As it turned out, the weather provided us with warmness on both saturday and sunday. Saturday morning, before Sanj arrived, Brittany, Megan and I went down to the farmer's market to meander around and maybe buy some schtuff. I ended up buying a couple of cinnamon buns and the girls got some skinny pancakes, ie crepes. Whilst standing in line for said skinny pancakes, a girl behind us asked me, "excuse me, but where did you get those buns?" Needless to say this was a very amusing question. Even though she was innocently asking about the cinnamon buns in my hand, we couldn't help but joke about other kinds of buns. mmmm buns.
Moving on. Once we were finished with the market of farmers, we returned to Queen St. and waited to do something else and for Sanj to arrive. Shortly there after, she showed up and a large group of us, about 8 or so, decided to go for a little wander to a park down the road. We rallied the troops and made our way to the park. The one we went to I had never actually been to before so it was cool to get there and check it out. We found a nice open space, tossed some disk and just relaxed. A lovely, warm afternoon indeed. That is, until we started getting stalked/pestered by this strange little man child. He was like 17 years old or something and a serious weirdo. I mean, I feel a little bad for the dude, but he was quite strange. He wanted to show us a fort he had made on this little island thingy, which actually sounded pretty schweet, but we were more concerned with doing our own thang. We then started going on a little bit more of a wander, and he followed. Super duper. We all must of had some sort of telekinesis going on or something, because we split! We broke up into smaller groups and went every which way through the woods and such, thinking this would aid in loosing our new found stalker. Not the case. He clung to us like a snail clings to the surface upon which it moves. Only he was quicker than a snail. After a bunch of woods creepin, we eventually all ran in to each other again and decided to "head home". We finally figured out a way to bid fair-well to the man child and we went our separate ways. Home however, was not our destination. Kinda harsh on our part, but he was making our day less enjoyable.
Onward to the botanical gardens! We then hit up the internationally acclaimed and beautiful botanical gardens that Dunedin has to offer. This place has so many different paths to take and so much greenery all around. We ended up finding this awesome tree that afforded us the opportunity to climb up and just sit around for a bit. This tree was huge and it was really just the main trunk that was able to hold a lot of us. It went up at an angle and then went horizontal, so it was perfect to lounge in. After that tree, we mozied along the path to another ginormous tree. This one was not climable, but it was absolutely massive. I couldn't even begin to guess just how tall it was, but believe me, it was up there. And there weren't any branches low to the ground either. They all started way up the tree as well. After a lot of wandering, kid evading and tree exploring, it was time to head home and get some nourishment. Sanj, Brittany, Megan and I checked out this place called Hell's Pizza and got some dope pies. Mine was pretty hot due to the jalapenos and the spicy sauce they added to my pizza, but it was quite good. Eating dinner pretty much wrapped up the remainder of the night for the group of us.
Lets move on to sunday, shall we? Sunday proved to be a day very similar to the one before. I woke up after Brittany and Megan had already completed the half marathon and it was gorgeous outside. Very sunny and warmish. I was in the middle of cooking myself some scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast and Megan comes barging in to tell me everyone is going on a hike/walk thing. Well alright then. After my little breakfast business, I went outside to sit around and wait for everyone to get their schtuff together. A little bit later, we were off. We started off heading in the direction of the park where the man child stalker kid was and cut through there to get to some back road. We wandered along the road for quite a long time. I
mean seriously, it was a far walk. Everyone really enjoyed it though because it was real nice and we just enjoyed being outside. Eventually, we rolled up to a path that led into the hills and a waterfall, our final destination. We then started up the trail and discussed the trail head sign for a while. You see, a lot of paths name a destination, and then the amount of time it takes to get there, but that time is always longer than it actually takes. Make sense? For instance, this particular sign said it would take 20 minutes, but it really only took us like 13 or something like that. Vhateva. So, we got to the waterfall and decided to make our way closer to it. We climbed up the creek thing a little bit and got right to the base of the falls. It was pretty chilly standing at the bottom because the breeze from the falls was moving right through the hollow, thus making me pretty chilly in shorts, short-sleeves and bare feet. Pretty cool though that this waterfall is just outside of the city. Once everyone had enough of being chilly, we gathered our shoes and such and headed back down the trail to the main road. The walk home seemed quite long. Possibly due to the fact that we made a long stop at some bamboo area where some peeps did a little exploring. Also, the sun was going down so it was getting cold. All in all, it was a nice weekend just kickin it in Dunedin. Thats it for now my
brothers and sisters. Peace out!

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